Site for sore eyes (First published in Managing for Success)

If you’re looking to relaunch your firm’s website, or develop a site for a new firm, you need to know the common pitfalls to avoid, to give you the best chance of success. Sue Bramall and Peter Wright offer some

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Putting people before profit – how law firms can navigate the new world order

When I qualified as a solicitor in 1984, lawyers were mostly concerned with advising clients and ensuring they billed for their time. Profitability was a given. But not anymore. The world has changed. The global financial crisis, technology, commoditisation and…

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Putting people before profit – how law firms can navigate the new world order

When I qualified as a solicitor in 1984, lawyers were mostly concerned with advising clients and ensuring they billed for their time. Profitability was a given. But not anymore. The world has changed. The global financial crisis, technology, commoditisation and…

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